Living in architecural history
21st century style
Tucked away in the heart of central London is this stunningly characterful property.
More than builders
Building works carried out to properties with architectural value or within a Conservation Area must conform to strict regulations set out by the respective local planning authority.
That does not necessarily mean building works are restricted, but it does require careful administration and skilful building application – all undertaken by the in-house expertise and professionalism of Bowen Builders Ltd.

Required by law to retain all important historic aspects of a Listed building, Bowen Builders Ltd applied 21st Century building techniques in order to achieve the exacting requirements of the property owner, developer and local authority.
Light & space
In order for building results to be fully realised to exacting standards, the finest development plans require builder excellence – and the natural choice is the in-house dedication, teamwork and craftsmanship of Bowen Builders Ltd.
Sleep easy
Reliable, trustworthy and excellent plumbers, electricians and builders are not easy to find – but in Bowen Builders we have all this and more, and we are cost-effective because we do things properly. On this you can depend.
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The facade of this property is like any other in this prestigious area of London, inside though is a stylish oasis of calm.
Award winning and at the boundaries of building technology, the end result of this property build is stunning.
Wherever and whatever we are employed to build, we apply the same high level of skill, quality, care and focus.